En résidence du 3 au 31 octobre 2022
Dans le cadre du programme NAFAS, 100 résidences d’artistes libanais en France, nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir Saba Sadr à La Métive pour une résidence d’un mois à travers le dispositif de l’Institut français à destination des artisans d’art.

Saba Sadr © George Rabbath
Biography :
Saba is an Iranian-Lebanese fine artist and fiber artist based in Beirut and Los Angeles. She received her Bachelor’s in Studio Arts at the American University of Beirut. She exhibited her performance art piece The Loom at AUB’s Byblos Bank Gallery and completed an artist residency at the 392Rmeil393 Gallery in Gemmayzeh, where she led carpet weaving workshops for displaced and disenfranchised Syrian mothers.
She participated in the AIRMAIL PROJECT, an artists’ global collaboration, and co-hosted the follow-up collaboration THE MIXUP with both local and international artists in Beirut. She was also co-art editor for Rusted Radishes: Beirut Literary and Art Journal at AUB. Her first position as project manager began at BASMEH & ZEITOONEH’S WOMEN’S WORKSHOP for Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese women across Lebanon, in which she designed and implemented workshops in embroidery and crochet, and led capacity building in carpet weaving and packaging. Saba also worked as the assistant director at the BEIRUT ART CENTER.
Currently, Saba is co-founder of GHAZEL – assistance network for female artisans across Beqaa as they build their careers in the decorative arts – and the co-founder of the informal cooperative Nehna Hon – feminist anti-racist collective that bridges networks in immigrant communities, sharing experience and resources for communal agency, and connecting immigrants with activists and other organizations across Lebanon. In her spare time, she assists logistics for a microbusiness based in heritage conservation called OUR STORY – HIKAYATOUNA, in which Syrian women tailor and design products that connect the local and international market with heritage crafts and practices from across the region.

Saba Sadr – Manzar – 2020 © Saba Sadr
Project details :
In line with the workshops I am planning this year, I would like to use social practice (as in art) to learn new ideas in (i) how to own, develop and curate our chosen heritage or practice, and (ii) how to impart these to new artists and artisans apprenticed to us or participating in our spaces. I intend to invest time in developing a cross between weaving, print and embroidery while asking like-minded artists/artisans about their practices and similar undertakings outside of institutions, organizations and companies, and raise challenges such as how to prevent capitalist or organizational consumption to protect heritage and artisanal practice. And of course, I hope to offer workshops to the artists, artisans and locals in the area.
More informations :

Saba Sadr – The Loom – 2011-2013 © Saba Sadr